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Where Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism and animism converge

While most other cultures believe in just one Heaven and one Underworld, Southeast Asian cultures believe that the universe consists of multiple Heavens and multiple Underworlds.

Southeast Asian tradition holds that all life is connected and comes from the same source, and that different forms of life can shapeshift into others.

Southeast Asian Mainland
Thailand, Burma, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam

Nate are powerful guardian spirits in Burmese tradition.

They protect the Earth and the Heavens, as well as human dwellings and settlements.

There are different kinds of Nats, such as ghosts and Buddhist supernatural beings.
The most important of them all are the 37 Nats, the souls of legendary heroes who were slaughtered.

Malaysia and Indonesia

Though this region is largely Muslim today, the Malaysian/Indonesian brand of Islam is syncretized with Hindu and animist traditions. 

Philippine Islands

Though the Philippines are mostly Catholic today, they still have a proud tradition of folktales and legends dating to pre-Spanish times.

Also, do remember that are many different ethnic groups in the Philippines.


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