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My Mythology Glossary
Terms based on mythology I invented myself

Refers to stories about tragic love in times of conflict
You know how we use "odyssey" from Homer's Odyssey to refer to long and winding journeys?
How about a term based on Homer's other

A story theme revolving around a
 bathing beauty who gets captured by a voyeur
This refers to an account in the Bible verse 2 Samuel 11 in which David (of "and Goliath" fame) spies on a maiden called Bathsheba who is bathing, and then he sends his servants to get her and...let's just say it doesn't end well for her.
I've seen this folktale theme referred to as "the Swan Maiden" or "the Animal Bride", and I even once referred to it as "the Bathing Bride".
Eventually, I settled on "Bathsheban" because it sounds cooler than these rather mundane terms, and also works very well as a play on words due to the first four letters of her name.

Oisin effect
The feeling that your entire world is changi
ng before your very eyes
Derived from the Irish legend of Oisin, in which he travels to the Land of Eternal Youth and then returns home...only to find that 300 years have passed

Uranian Generation
The first generation of the gods of Mount Olympus
All [grand]children of Uranus, the primordial Father Sky
They include Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Hestia, Hades, Demeter, and Aphrodite
This term accommodates all of their origin stories (Aphrodite emerging from the sea where Uranus's privates fell; the other gods born from the Titans Kronos and Rhea)

Post-Titanomachy Generation
The Olympian gods born after the Titanomachy

All children of Zeus through several of his multiple affairs
These include Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Hermes, Ares, Hephaestus, and Dionysus.

Mermaid's Corpse
Sea foam

In the original Little Mermaid story by Hans Christian Andersen, the nameless main character dies and turns to sea foam.
Because of this, I have come to think of the foam of the ocean waters as the remains of dead mermaids.
Taking interest in cultures other than yours
Comes from Lafcadio Hearn, an Irish-Greek writer who lived his later life in Japan, where he would become one of the first great interpreters of Japanese cultural things to the Western world.
His book Kwaidan:  Stories and Studies of Strange Things, is based on Japanese folktales.

A severe thunderstorm

Derived from Norse mythology stories about Thor (the god of thunder) slaying malevolent giants.

Like a Hindu god
 Able to multitask at an expert level
Refers to how many Hindu deities have more than one pair of arms

A term for Denmark, Norway, Swed
en, and Iceland collectively
Refers to the realm of humans in Norse mythology
(Here, refers to the lands from whence the Vikings came, as well as the country that contributed the literary Eddas)

Someone who is obsessed with many different cultures all over the world
A portmanteau of "world" and "weeaboo"

The Yuki-Onna's kiss
A terrible but not too bad snow event
Derived from the snow phantom of Japanese mythology

A severe blizzard
Fimbulwinter, the first sign of Ragnarok, consists of three harsh winters with no summer in between.

King of the Heavens
A man who has many female love partners
In practically every mythology, the top god/ruler of the heavens is always philandering with maidens


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