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The Frozen North

The Inuit


Siberian shamans were often associated with a particular tribe and protected that tribe's territory to ensure reincarnation of their souls.

Intertribal warring led to incredible magic battles between rival shamans.

After the U.S.S.R. was formed following the Russian Civil War
(1917-1922), shamans were persecuted by the godless Communists.
In these new circumstances, tales of magic fighting were recast into conflicts between a shaman and the Party official who arrests him.

After the U.S.S.R. collapsed in 1991, there arose shamanistic revival movements in Siberia.

The Ainu

The Ainu are the indigenous people of Japan who were forced off their lands by the ancestors of the Japanese from Korea, Siberia, and Southeast Asia.
Since then, their traditional homeland has been Hokkaido, the cold northern island of Japan

They have cultural affinities with the Inuit, the Chukchi, and other northern forager they are represented on this webpage.

The Sami

The Sami are the indigenous people of northern Scandinavia.

Sadly, I have not yet learned anything about Sami mythology or traditional beliefs...but I hope someday to find a mythology book with a Sami folktale in it.

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