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Mythology Worlds
Gift of the Nile

The Periods of Ancient Egypt
Formative (3200-3000 B.C.E.)
Early Dynastic (3000-2550 B.C.E.)
Old Kingdom (2550-2150 B.C.E.)
1st Intermediate (2150-1980 B.C.E.)
Middle Kingdom (1980-1640 B.C.E.)
2nd Intermediate (1640-1520 B.C.E.)
New Kingdom (1540-1070 B.C.E.)
3rd Intermediate (1070-664 B.C.E.)
Late Period (664-332 B.C.E.)
Greco-Roman/Ptolemaic (332 B.C.E.-395 C.E.)
Ancient Egypt was as ancient to the Ancient Greeks and Romans as Ancient Greece and Rome are to us!
Cleopatra (a Greek of the Ptolemaic era) lived closer in time to the 21st century C.E. than to when the Egypt pyramids were built!
Primary Sources on Egyptian Mythology
The Pyramid Texts
The Coffin Texts
The Book of the Dead
Creation and Origins

Gods of Egypt
(not that horrible movie)

During their epic battle, Seth attempted to best Horus by "milking the cobra" at him, but Horus caught Seth's "baby grease" and threw it away.
Horus then went over to his mother Isis, who directed him to "stroke the obelisk" into Seth's lettuce patch.
Seth ate the lettuce and unknowingly swallowed Horus's "baby sauce";
...and that's how Horus defeated Seth!

Ritual Myths

The purpose of mummification was to preserve the physical body in death such that the soul may enter the afterlife.
Look up how mummies were made at your own risk.
Egyptian Mythical Creatures

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